Group Accelerator Program | Health Coach Solutions
Hey there, Health Coach...
Would You Love to Build a HIGHLY ENGAGED Facebook group that Turns Members into Clients WITHOUT Spending Hours in your Group Each Day?
Discover the PROVEN FORMULA for building a THRIVING group that lead to SALES, REFERRALS and REPEAT CLIENTS.

Why is having a Facebook group so important right now?
The reach on most Facebook PAGES is only 1-3%, which means only a TINY FRACTION of your followers ever see your posts. Ouch!

But when you have a highly engaged Facebook GROUP, you’ll have a lot more people seeing your posts and interacting with your content. Yay!

“1.4 BILLION people are using Facebook groups on a monthly basis. Because of the rise in group usage, the social platform revealed several new features to make Group posting and admin monitoring easier than ever. “ ~Social Sprout

There are more people using Facebook groups now than ever before, and when the platform rolls out new features, it’s a sure sign that it’s an area they plan to put more time and focus on, which means admins and users typically benefit. I know of one particular new feature that will be rolling out that will be a total game changer when it comes to growing your email list.

Want the inside scoop on how to FAST TRACK the growth of your group and turn MEMBERS into NEW CLIENTS?
Grow a Highly Engaged Facebook Group
That Turns Members Into Clients

Regular price $297
>> NOW ONLY $147 <<

I'm Kathleen LeGrys...

I’ve been running thriving Facebook groups for over 9 years. I’ve also helped health coaches completely transform their groups in as little as 3 weeks. When I was a new health coach, my first few clients came from my group, and I continued to use that strategy because it worked incredibly for building connection and trust with my ideal audience. I continue to use groups today as a key marketing strategy for my multi six-figure business.

I practice what I teach and I continue to stay on top of the latest trends and features to let you know what IS and is NOT worth your time utilizing in groups, so you don’t have to spend the time sifting through all the information yourself (or wasting time on the features that aren’t right for groups in the health coaching space).


Perhaps you have a Facebook group but it either feels like a ghost town or it’s just not resulting in new clients (or maybe you are experiencing both of these struggles). It can feel frustrating and discouraging when you’re doing all the work but you’re not getting the results you want from it (new clients).

There are several common mistakes being made when it comes to running groups that are sabotaging efforts and good intentions but it’s only because most health coaches haven’t learned the RIGHT WAY to START, GROW and RUN their group.
I'm Kathleen LeGrys...

I’ve been running thriving Facebook groups for over 9 years. I’ve also helped health coaches completely transform their groups in as little as 3 weeks. When I was a new health coach, my first few clients came from my group, and I continued to use that strategy because it worked incredibly for building connection and trust with my ideal audience. I continue to use groups today as a key marketing strategy for my multi six-figure business.

I practice what I teach and I continue to stay on top of the latest trends and features to let you know what IS and is NOT worth your time utilizing in groups, so you don’t have to spend the time sifting through all the information yourself (or wasting time on the features that aren’t right for groups in the health coaching space).

I am sharing my INSIDER SECRETS and PROVEN STRATEGIES with you in this 2-PART MINI-COURSE.

Perhaps you have a Facebook group but it either feels like a ghost town or it’s just not resulting in new clients (or maybe you are experiencing both of these struggles). It can feel frustrating and discouraging when you’re doing all the work but you’re not getting the results you want from it (new clients).

There are several common mistakes being made when it comes to running groups that are sabotaging efforts and good intentions but it’s only because most health coaches haven’t learned the RIGHT WAY to START, GROW and RUN their group.
Imagine logging into your group each day to find a flood of engaging posts and conversations, requests to join your community AND new email subscribers.

Also imagine members enrolling in your coaching program!

It’s all possible and I can show you how to do it in less time than you may think.

Imagine logging into your group each day to find a flood of engaging posts and conversations, requests to join your community AND new email subscribers!

It’s all possible and I can show you how to do it in less time than you may think.

Thanks to Kathleen, my Facebook group engagement has increased by 146% in just 3 weeks!
For quite some time I’ve been struggling with getting consistent engagement in my Facebook group. I just didn’t know how to create engaging posts. The whole thing had me really frustrated because I knew I could do a better job at serving my members if I could figure out the best way to frame my posts.

That all changed when I asked Kathleen to audit my Facebook group. What an eye-opening experience! She pointed out ways I could change my regular weekly posts in a way that increased the number of people engaging with them.

She also shared several ideas for future posts that would get my members excited to share information and comment on each other’s posts.

The great news is, it worked. In just three weeks my group engagement has increased by 146% and keeps increasing every single week.

I’m so grateful for Kathleen’s help. She truly is a Facebook Group Expert.

Wellness Business Coach
Co-Host of The Wellness Business Podcast
Learn my PROVEN formula for Growing a Facebook Group Full of Your Ideal Clients who are EXCITED to be Part of Your Community AND Actually Enroll in Your Coaching Programs
You’ll discover how to:
Build a community of your ideal clients who actually want what you have to offer (Hint: You need fewer members than you may think)
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Start and grow your group the right way (to get the RIGHT people in your group who are your dream clients)
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Increase engagement and interaction (no more ghost town)
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Enroll clients in your coaching programs without feeling "salesy"
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Manage your group in 30 minutes or less per day
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Put many group growth strategies on autopilot, (in other words set it and forget it
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Build a ‘destination group’ that your members intentionally visit and engage with each day, rather than relying on the Facebook algorithm to show them content on your page
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Plus…learn what type of content to share in your group (and how to NOT give away TOO MUCH free content eliminating the need for them to invest in your paid program to solve their most pressing problem).

You’ll also learn the TOP MISTAKES TO AVOID that will sabotage your efforts, keep your group a ghost town and not lead to new clients.
This is an on-demand mini-course, so you'll get access RIGHT AWAY to start implementing what you learn.
 Group Success Formula

Learn the critical foundations of setting up your group so it builds connection and trust and is also part of your sales funnel that leads to new clients in the shortest time possible.  Instead of having a group full of ‘lookie loos’ you’ll discover what you must put into place in your group to turn it into a lead generation machine.
Here’s what you will learn in PART ONE:

  • How to name your group to ATTRACT ONLY YOUR DREAM CLIENTS
  • Creating a group description that attracts the RIGHT PEOPLE (those who are looking for a solution and are willing to invest)
  • Key details to include in your group cover photo to instantly BUILD TRUST AND RAPPORT
  • How to make sure YOUR IDEAL CLIENTS join your group AND how to find out their top struggles
  • How to make your new members feel welcome and right at home AS SOON AS THEY JOIN which sets the stage for a ‘destination group’ that they seek out each day
  • How to use your group as part of the CUSTOMER JOURNEY (sales funnel)
  • How to GROW YOUR EMAIL LIST in your group 24/7
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Getting Leads and Clients

After you learn the foundations from part 1, you’ll discover how to build relationships, get high engagement, offer your programs and get clients.
In part TWO, you will learn:

  • How to quickly come up with content that gets HIGH ENGAGEMENT (when your group members are engaging with you, the know, like, trust factor is growing)
  • HOW OFTEN and WHEN to post in your group for the best results
  • Deciphering your group insights to determine the BEST TYPE of content for your group
  • Building CONNECTION AND TRUST with your members in the shortest time possible
  • How to NOT GIVE AWAY TOO MUCH for free in your group, so members want to work with you to get the solution you offer
  • HOW TO GET CLIENTS from your group each month (without feeling salesy)
To make sure you have EVERYTHING you need to run a successful group and to make it even EASIER for you to get the best possible RESULTS, you’ll also receive these FOUR invaluable BONUSES worth $178!
Step-by-step video tutorial that walks you through how to set up your group the right way ($97 value).

Discover the exact steps to put into place and the right settings to use to ensure your group runs as smoothly as possible (whether your group is brand new or you’ve had it for a while).

31 Facebook Group Post Ideas ($27 value).

Never be stumped about what to post in your group again! Use this must-have guide to save time, plan out your content each month and then rinse and repeat. 

15 Ways to Boost Engagement in Your Facebook Group ($27 value).

There are a few nuances to getting people to interact in your group and becoming an active part of your community. This guide shares 15 simple tips you can start using right away.

Group Accelerator Workbook ($27 value).

A 13-page fillable workbook to help you map out and implement what you learn as quickly as possible.

Ready to grow a group that builds your practice?
Regular price  $297
>> NOW ONLY $147 <<
Group Accelerator is perfect for you if:
You want to start a free Facebook group for your wellness business as a way to build a community that leads to paying clients.
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You have a brand new Facebook group and you want to make sure you have all the right pieces in place, so you get it off to a great start (and side step the most common mistakes).
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You have an established Facebook group but engagement has fizzled, you aren’t getting clients from it and you aren’t sure how to bring it back to life.
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Is this for me if I don’t have a Facebook group yet?

Yes, because you’ll dramatically shorten your learning curve and get the fast track to starting a group that leads to paying clients.

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Is this for me if I have a group but I haven’t been active in it for a while?

Definitely! You will learn how to breathe new life into your group even if you’ve been away for a while.

Is this for me if I have a group on a platform other than Facebook?

Yes!  The formula I teach works with any online group platform. What you will discover is how to run and grow an engaged group and how to get clients regardless of where you host your community. 

When do I get access to the mini-course?

As soon as you join, you will receive your login information, so you can start implementing what you learn.

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I don’t have any programs to offer yet. Will this still benefit me?

Absolutely!  Your group is going to be a big part of the customer journey, and your members will have a chance to get to know you, so when you are ready to invite them to your paid program, they will already be warmed up to you.

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How long do I have access to the trainings?

You have lifetime access to the trainings, so you can watch them at your convenience.

Are you ready to finally build a highly engaged group that actually leads to new clients enrolling in your coaching programs? 
Have questions? Click the orange "Chat" circle on the bottom right

